Gerry walking over the pyrenees on the camino de santiago, with sheep grazing on the mountainside

Dream of Walking the Camino de Santiago?

When I decided to walk the Camino de Santiago I was never in any doubt that I would finish. If you dream of doing the same then keep reading. I totally believe that the Camino is something that every can experience and if my blog helps you to take your first steps then I’ll be a happy girl!

I’ve broken my posts into Camino routes where you’ll find all posts related to that trail (including general Camino information).

Want to Walk The Camino With Then We Walked in 2025?

Camino Ingles : 14 September 2025 : 10 days : 980€

Camino Frances | Camino Portuguese Coastal | Camino Portuguese Central| Camino Ingles | Camino Lebaniego

Want to learn more about the Camino? Then hop over to my Free Private Facebook Group | Walking The Camino De Santiago.

Are You Planning to Walk the Camino de Santiago?

Walking the Camino is no mean undertaking.  Having walked thousands of Camino miles I have a wealth of knowledge, so keep reading and use what I’ve learned to plan your own walk.

I’ll keep adding posts about the routes I’ve walked, including some of the less travelled routes like the Camino Lebaniego in the Picos de Europa and further afield on hikes such as the Kumano Kodo in Japan. The Camino routes that I’ve walked (some many times) to date include :

  • Camino Frances
  • Camino Norte
  • Via De La Plata
  • Camino Sanabres
  • Camino Aragones
  • Camino Portuguese Coastal
  • Camino Portuguese Central
  • Camino Primitivo
  • Camino Lebaniego
  • Rota Vicentina
  • Camino Ingles

I’ll write about the gear that we use and the tools that I use to plan my walks. I’ve run workshops at home in France and I’m making this an online course in 2025.

I have more than a decade of experience, I’ve walked thousands of Camino kilometres. I trained as a lowland leader with the British Mountaineering Association and I have led many groups across different routes. I feel well placed to offer help and assistance to others.

Then We Walked walking club.  Walking the Camino de Santiago from Burgos to Santiago in 2022.  We reached the 100 kilometres to go mark.

Want to learn more about the Camino? Then hop over to my Free Private Facebook Group | Walking The Camino De Santiago.

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My First Camino de Santiago Blog

Most people have heard of this walk but they aren’t really sure what the Camino de Santiago is or what the journey will be like when walking the camino.

When I first walked 800 kilometres across Spain I kept a blog for family and friends. It was popular so I continued when I walked my second Camino. It’s more personal, a collection of my thoughts, a journal if you like.

Over the years my blog became so much more than notes home. I write for me. I love the process of reflection. I lose myself in my thoughts and I learn from them. The process keeps me present and I’m more observant and alert to what is happening around me. 

My blog became an essential part of my journey; indeed there are just two walks where I never blogged and I deeply regret that (although I never blog on group walks as it’s not my experience).

These blogs have been read by thousands of people worldwide and have grown into this website. We may spend weeks and weeks travelling around the world, finding new places to explore and walk but a great deal of Then We Walked is still about walking the Camino.

What’s it Like Walking the Camino de Santiago? This is Colleen starting the Camino Frances at Roncesvalles in Spain

Want to learn more about the Camino? Then hop over to my Free Private Facebook Group | Walking The Camino De Santiago.

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